keskiviikko 19. joulukuuta 2007

Maatamme vaivaavaan monikulttuurisuusilluusioista kärsiville tarvitaan neekerisanakirja eli neekeriaapinen

Neekerisanakirja = Neekeriaapinen = Neekeriwikipedia = Neekeriencylopedia

Esipuhe: Neekerisanakirja eli neekeriaapinen johtaa sinut totuuden lähteille Mustaan Afrikkaan nigerialaiskirjeitä unohtamatta ja lukuisia päivittäisiä sähköpostejaan meidän sähköposteihimme milloin minkäkin rahahuijauksen muodossa. Neekeritalous on huijaritaloutta tyypillisimmillään mistä osoituksena "nigerialaiskirjeet"


Maatamme vaivaavaan monikulttuurisuusilluusioista kärsiville tarvitaan neekerisanakirja eli neekeriaapinen

Aloitetaan kohdasta

A - "Afroafrican", mikä on tyypillistä orwellilaista neekeriyden toiseutta, kun ei osata kohdata minuuttaan edes peilistä kuten kävi eräälle tunnetulle laulajaneekerille Michael Jacksonille, joka alkoi leikkelyttämään itseään valkoiseksi neekeriytensä sijaan.

B - Bona fide = Hyvä usko ei meitä auta kun kohdalle sattuu valehteleva neekeri

C - "C`est mon ami", kun sen sanoo neekeri se kertoo että kyseessä on siirtomaaneekeri, joka yrittää ystävystyä kanssasi normaalin nigerialaiskirjeen sijasta suoraan kasvokkain. Motiivinsa lienevät arvattavat.

Red Cross says east Congo violence worst since civil war peak in 2000 Published: November 29, 2007 Rapes, looting and other forms of violence against civilians have increased sharply in eastern Congo, reaching a scale not seen since the height of the country's civil war seven years ago, the international Red Cross said Thursday.

An ICRC official who recently visited the country estimated that 370,000 people have been driven from their homes since fighting resumed in December between the national army and fighters loyal to warlord Laurent Nkunda.
"What really shocked me personally, most, is the systematic violence, especially against women and girls, which is producing immense suffering," Dominik Stillhart said.

Sexual atrocities in the eastern Kivu provinces have been extensively documented by international observers.

Yakin Erturk, the U.N. special investigator for violence against women, said in July that violence in South Kivu went "far beyond rape" and include sexual slavery, forced incest and cannibalism, and that most of the worst abuses were being committed by rebel groups, many of whom fled to Congo after taking part in the Rwandan genocide of the 1990s.

Each month more than 100 women and girls, but also a small number of men and boys, seek help at specialist centers in the region after being subjected to sexual violence, Stillhart said.

"That's definitely not all the cases," he said, adding that rape is apparently being used as a means of terrorizing different ethnic groups.

The ICRC plans to step up its operations in the east of the country because of the increasing violence there, Stillhart said.

But ending the conflict will only be achieved if its root causes are addressed, he said. These include finding a way to return large numbers of refugees, assert government control over the east and achieve a fair distribution of the country's vast natural resources."The problem cannot be solved with military means only," Stillhart said.

The United Nations has 18,000 peacekeepers stationed in the country.
Millions have died in Congolese fighting and war-induced starvation and disease since 1996.

Nkunda defected from the army several years ago and formed his own militia soon after the war ended in 2002, claiming he needed to protect his minority Tutsi ethnic group from Rwandan Hutu rebels who have occupied forests in east Congo since fleeing Rwanda's 1994 genocide, which their leaders helped organize. More than 500,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed during the mass Rwandan slaughter 13 years ago.
Neekeriuhka, neekeriuhkailija, neekeröitsijä, ...

Ohessa tunnettu esimerkki neekeriuhkasta ja neekeriuhkailija Sylvain Kiprestä

Tamperelainen Seppo Lehto on joutunut kärsimään Tampereella jo pitkään jatkuneesta rikollisesta "pyhä lehmä" neekeriydestä ja neekeriydellään ratsastavasta huippuosaajaksi naamioituneesta rikollisesta väkivallalla ( I beat you! I kill you!") ja Seppo Lehdon kuolleen äidin nussimisella ( "I fuck your mother!") uhanneesta norsunluurannikkolaisesta julkisuuden henkilö Tampereen vihreiden hallituksen jäsenestä vuodelta 2004 Sylvain Kiprestä.

Neekeriys =

Neekeroinnin uhri - Kenties sinäkin vielä päädyt neekeröinnin uhriksi kun holtiton maahanmuuttopolitiikka altistaa sinutkin neekeröinnin uhriksi oheiseen tapaan


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